I'm in complete agreement with Greenie's casting choices, except for Jimmy - I have to go with Justin Whalen.

Labrat wrote:
I was already a huge fan of Justin Whalen, thanks to a guest star role he did for one of my other all-time favourite shows, The Young Riders.
Oh, I loved that show!!! I still have the episode on tape where the Kid and Lou made love for the first time...I fast forward through the stupid A plot in that one to get to all of the scenes with them together. (The Kid in the shower stall...yum!)

I really liked John Shea's portrayal, and enjoyed the fact that he had hair (when he came back to life bald, I thought he looked stupid). But Michael Rosenbaum is just delicious! I can't take my eyes off him (in fact, the only time I truely pay attention to Smallville is when Lex is on screen). Mmmmm, sexy Lexy! laugh

You can find my stories as Groobie on the nfic archives and Susan Young on the gfic archives. In other words, you know me as Groobie. wink