I can't really pick cast, since L&C is my main exposure, along with Justice League (Unlimited). And in JLU, there's a lot more than just Superman. Though I did like one episode where Clark/Superman (wearing the suit) and Lois had a picnic lunch on the top of some building. The conversation seemed like L&C to me.

Smallville: Don't watch it, never will. The reviews I've heard have just strengthened my resolve against it. I've seen one episode and I wasn't too impressed. Fandom factoid: the title Lex Go *SPLAT* came from a conversation between me and a friend who was watching Smallville and talking about Lex. I was insisting Lex was dead. laugh

The movies: I didn't really like them before I saw L&C, and I'm still not a fan. Post-crisis Clark/Superman has become the way it *should* be to me.

And I've never seen the previous series.

Now, as far as the the new movie goes, yes, it looks like they're going pre-crisis. In fact, if you've seen the pictures of the new actor, he looks a <b>heck</b> a lot like Christopher Reeves. Which means I'm losing interest in the movie. Which is sad, since I like what Bryan Singer did with X-Men.

"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited