cat: that was a long appointment.

clark: what?

cat: you ran out of the newsroom five hours ago, saying you'd forgotten a dentist's appointment.

clark: oh, that appointment. yeah. it was... uh... a thorough cleaning. see?


cat: clark, i don't know how to say this, but you've got this strange heavenly light shining down on you.

clark thinking: i can't tell her about that accident with the florescent dye that superman cleared up. gotta think fast.

clark out loud: really? wow. that ultra-brightening toothpaste must be better than i thought!


clark: i am the ghost of christmas past! <evil cackle>

cat: oh yeah? well, i am the ghost of cristmas presents. wanna to go somewhere and... unwrap?

perry: judas priest! can't anyone get anything right? take this seriously, people! the daily planet christmas pagent is only two weeks away, and you're still messing around! clark, what did i tell you about making that face? that is not an appropriate expression for a ghost! cat, stick to the script! and jimmy! get that light fixed already! it is not supposed to be shining on the back of his head!


voice from on high: clark kent, you have been chosen!

clark: what?

voice: you have been chosen.

clark: for what? and what's that giant floating arrow thing? why is it poking me? what's that clicking sound? hey, that tickles!

lois: <sigh> things just haven't been the same since they put us on DVD...


clark: hey, what's this?

lois: it's a sculpture or something. they're doing a sidebar on it for the arts page.

clark: a sculpture?

lois: yeah, it's supposed to make some statement about how, no matter what the fashion industry says about a woman's figure, we're all models, and we should learn to see our inner beauty. or maybe it was that we're all mindless puppets who are told what to wear and how to act, and it's all decided by the whims of big corperations. something like that.

clark: all that from a maniquin with a mirror for a face. okay. well, whatever it's supposed to mean, maybe it'll help me figure out why this tooth feels funny...

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.