Clark: So that's the new play Jimmy's writing?

Lois: According to this script, I'm Jimmy's hot stripper girlfriend who constantly refers to him as Jimmy-the-Great and the-All-Powerful-Ultra-Incredible-Jimmy-Babe.

Clark: What the---? He made Superman his side-kick?!


Lois: It's a butterfly.

Clark: Looks more like a bat to me...

Lois: They say people who see bats are paranoid.

Clark: Yep, it's a butterfly...definitely a butterfly...


Clark: Are those the files for that story you're writing on Korean War vets?

Lois: Yeah. These are documents that one of the clerks in a MASH unit kept in his files; I thought they might be useful.

Clark: Hey, look! On that one sheet of paper, it looks like somebody was trying to practice forging somebodyelse's name!

Lois: Who is "Sherman T. Potter"?


Clark: See, Lois? That's where you made your mistake---it's 2 cups of sugar and 1 tbsp of salt, not the other way around.


Clark: See, Lois? I told you I had a twin brother; here's the photographic proof!

Lois: Clark, this is just a picture of you standing in front of a mirror.


Clark: Interesting. And you say you found this on the internet?

Lois: Yeah. There seems to be a whole website full of this stuff.

Clark: Wow.

Lois: "...Just then, Clark's Super-hearing picked up---"

Clark: ---Never mind that; go back to the part where I'm unbuttoning your blouse...


Lois: It says here that it's impossible to whistle after eating a cracker.

Clark: Nonsense! I can do it; watch: *fff* Um, wait a minute. *fff* Let me try again. *fff* I can do this, honest! Let me try one more time...
