Originally posted by Wendymr:
A perfect tearjerking moment mecry - but happy this time. That hug, cement and all, is one of the best in the series.


Who says those two weren't in love long before they started dating? :rolleyes:
Oh yeah, Wendy. I think it was about this time that I really started looking for the... um, what do we call it in FoLCdom again? (after that fiasco in the other thread, I want to make sure I have my FoLC terminology right!)... other fandoms call it 'ship... Anyway, that's when I started paying attention to how they regarded each other - and cheering each time they made another little step toward each other. And after I started taping, going back to previous eps and seeing if there was anything there, too...

Melisma (mushy under her Rock)

EDIT: well, I obviously still have to learn how to get the quotes right - sorry, guys!

EDIT #2: By George, I think I finally got it. Thanks, Labby smile

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda