My two biggest memories are from the ending of Ressurection and of course ATAI.../WHALTTA.

I really didn't like Ressurection (Dan...ugh!), but I was shocked/amazed/incredibly happy with the preview of the next week's episode. My family was at our vacation home for the weekend, and a lot of the time my parents would let me watch LC before we left (sometimes we were on the road at 7 though and that was awful!). I remember driving my family nuts in the car on the way home saying stuff about how next week she's going to find out that he's superman! I was SOOO excited (TF is one of my FAVORITE episodes).

The other one was the ending of ATAI...
Was mecry to wait the whole summer for the answer, but I was jumping on the couch with nervous energy/exitement when the day finally came.

Then of course there was the end of INPY... wink


Trask: Does Superman have any telepathic powers?
Lois: (blushing) I hope not.