But had to say that I am amazed that you guys lasted through a whole summer to find out what happened next after ATAI.
Well, I almost didn't. I was lucky I didn't either die of nervousness or get myself murdered by perstering my family about it. My sister and I analyzed and reanalyzed every bit of the episode the entire summer. We thought of every possible reaction. It drove us to the brink of insanity. Definitely my most memorable moment. I remember being mad too after finally seeing the resolution because they tricked us. In ATAI, Clark proposes and Lois says, "Clark...." and they cut away. But in the final version, she doesn't say his name. She launches into, "Who's asking, Clark or Superman." Every scenario we had come up with started with her saying his name, so we were feeling a little bit gyped.

My other memorable moment is actually a funny story. My family went to church every sunday night, so we taped the show and watched it when we got home. My sister and I were rabid fans. We'd jump out of the car while it was still running and make a mad dash for the VCR. Well, one night we got home and discovered - to our mutual dismay - that the VCR had malfunctioned taping the entire episode in fast forward with no sound. The episode was Ordinary People, and I can't even tell you how many we watched that episode trying to figure out what was going on. When I finally watched it years later - at regular speed and with sound - I was in hysterics because we'd definitely had the wrong end of the stick. We'd had all kinds of ridiculous ideas about what was going on.


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen