Cyad said:
I haven't got the slightest idea of the title, nor the two unusual things...but doesn't have one to do with "with the help of Linda King"...I know Linda was mentionned somewhere.
Jen said:
Maybe Clark's name went first??? That's the only unusual thing I can think of.
Between the two of you, you got it. The unusual byline read:

1. by Clark Kent and Lois Lane
2. Special contribution by Linda King

The title of the article was just bonus, but the title was "New Age Kane Nipped in Bud."

If memory serves, this may be the only mentioned case where Clark's name went first in the byline.

You can decide between the two of you who wants to post the next question.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin