Lex probably thought of you as a
mistake. And he was never very
good at acknowledging mistakes.

Shut up! I am not a mistake!

And slowly Kombat begins to MORPH, shrinking in size...

He kept you around so he wouldn't
feel too guilty but he never told
anyone you were his son, did he?
Never said he was proud of all the
work you did for his company?
Never gave you his name? In fact,
he told people you were dead!

... Kombat getting smaller, thinner...

No wonder you like it in here. You
can shut all that out, pretend it
never happened.

It _did_ happen and no matter where
you run, you can't hide what you
really are.

Wow I feel so cheap by posting the straight up script LOL.

Oh boy, this means I have to think up a question huh? Oh...I don't know...who all did Annette shrink in It's a Small World?

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy