D'oh! You're right, Labbie, it is the "Sue U". Well, at least I got it right in my story, even if my memory failed on the spelling.

Lois lifted a pair of binoculars to her eyes and adjusted the focus. "The 'Sue U'," she read off the side of the yacht. "Oh, *please*.
Whew. Had to go check, just in case. <g>

And yes, me, there will be a third story in the trilogy. The titles of the three stories are "When Friends Become Lovers", "When Lovers Become More", and "When More Becomes Everything". Hmm, I sense a pattern ... smile Can't give an estimated date, though, unfortunately. The story is all plotted and outlined, but I need to finish up another couple short stories first, so I probably won't be able to start actually writing it until later this year. smile With as slow as I write, let's hope for 2004. wink

Kathy (not hijacking the thread for fanfic discussion, just showing that I'm eagerly waiting Jill's next question. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket!)