Thank you everyone for the advice and information--you are SO helpful! The other night I started drafting my idea for this story and then I started realizing random 'Venice things' I'd have to look into (and kind of started to get daunted by the particulars of research)...BUT it sounds like I was very much over-thinking the process (I tend to do that a lot with a lot of things....) --the 'common knowledge' stuff is mostly what I will be needing, and like you all implied, it is basic knowledge/general facts that won't need to be sited out in a disclaimer--good! Life just got easier dance

I really learned a lot from everything you all said--stuff to apply to the whole writing process--now and down the road. Thank you! I'll be referring to this thread often, I'm sure smile ...

So, overall, it sounds like general info does not need to be disclaimed, but should definitely be kept track of for accuracy throughout the story, anything 'brand name' should be disclaimed, and anything 'directly quoted from a source' should be disclaimed. And also, be in the habit of keeping good notes and organizing your info, research definitely more than less--and look for research in a variety of ways, and lastly, include information into your story that is imperative, but if it's not necessary, then more information is sometimes just that--more information (which just might get in the way of getting to the good part of your story)....

Morgana--I'm thinking of an Alternate Beginning story--I really like the concept of throwing L&C together and meeting in a totally different way, but because they are meant to be, it all falls into place for them notworthy

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~