By all means keep track of your research, because throughout the writing process you will be consulting it regularly. I made the mistake of not checking my facts in my fic A Lovely Smile. It took a sharp eyed reader to tell me the Nigerian princess' home town could not have been Addis Ababa - which is located in Ethopia.

Needless to say, I was completely embarrassed! blush

Since you've been to Venice that puts you lightyears ahead of your readers having personal knowledge of the city. What kind of story is it?

Romance between Lois and Clark? Than play up some of the more romantic areas of the city such as the labyrinth of medieval alleyways and canals.

Are they on a dangerous assignment and still in the early stages of their working relationship? Use a sleek water taxi to evade the bad guys, they are a lot faster than a gondola!

Is Lex going to be there? Write up a scene in a famous luxury hotel. Since no one can imagine him staying in a Hampton Inn. I suggest using all the resources of the internet to find out more about the city. This will allow you to shape up your story into a fun adventure, one the readers would love to see our favorite couple participate in!

Happy writing!


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.