In the realm of 'better later than never,'

Originally posted by KenJ:
Lynn, I can symphathise completely with you in this.
I spent thirty years in industry, mostly in Organic Chemistry and Entomology.
Now there's a combination one doesn't come across every day.

I guess the hardest thing my beta readers had to do was teach me not to 'report' the story, but *tell* the story.
My first stories on this board were very much of the tell/report rather than show variety. I am quite grateful to the FoLCs who left me encouraging feedback on those stories. I like to think that my writing has improved a lot since then, but it still has a long way to go.

It is very much a learning, or should I say, re-learning process.
I think of it at least partially as an unlearning process, as well.

It's nice to know I'm not alone in this experience. Thanks for sharing. smile
