I'm currently working on the Lois & Lex story that some of you may be aware of, and I have been for about a week or so now. I just realized how much I've written, completely effortlessly. I haven't had writer's block at all while doing this story. In fact, I've had to write scenes separately because they came to me at a point when I was nowhere near ready, and I've had to write parts using my phone, while on the bus, because they just keep flowing out of me! I couldn't believe that I looked down and was on page 76 (excluding the extra parts I've written separately).

I'm pretty sure this is the longest story I've written so far, so I'm curious what the longest story everyone else has written was. Did you hit any major blocks? Was it easy? hard? What did you find challenging? Rewarding? etc...

.talk nerdy to me.