Quote from LynnSM:

I think my years of scholarly writing have made it hard for me to write anything lengthy. In that writing, I strove for brevity, effective summarization, and the presentation of only the most salient ideas. I learned to excise anything in a scholarly paper that would only be added for 'colour.' I've been spending my time as a fanfic author learning to undo those habits. (Not to mention learning that sometimes breaking the rules is a good thing. As with sentence fragments. )

Lynn, I can symphathise completely with you in this.
I spent thirty years in industry, mostly in Organic Chemistry and Entomology. Most of my writing was confined to recording observations in a research notebook. I had the same problems, having gone through the 'Berger' writing classes. I guess the hardest thing my beta readers had to do was teach me not to 'report' the story, but *tell* the story. Once I got past that hurdle then they taught me to let the actors tell the story. It is very much a learning, or should I say, re-learning process.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
