I know you've said that on previous occasions, but I get confused when I see other stories like Female Hawk's Time to Love Series. (not to get any other writers in trouble, this just happens to be the first one that popped out to me). Or is that considered 1 story and 3 sequels?
Oh, I am absolutely certain that if you trawl through the Archive you'll find examples that have slipped through the net. With an Archive the size of ours and the length of time it's been on the go, it's inevitable that mistakes will have been made over time.

And, in fact, TTL, is a recent example of just such an error. It wasn't picked up by the GE that it ended in a cliffhanger and it didn't come to my attention that it was a story in chapter form and not yet complete until two or three parts were already on the Archive.

Once I became aware of it, I did inform FH that since I hadn't been innundated with complaining emails, I didn't see much point in removing the parts already on the Archive and we'll continue to upload the rest in parts. Once the final part has been submitted, I do intend to remove the parts and replace them with one, complete file.

That seemed the easiest way to solve that mistake. But if I start to get complaints, of course, then it can be removed entirely until FH is ready to submit the complete, final version.

I don't know about the submissions form, but if you want to submit a complete story to me in more than one file, you certainly can. Although I don't think it's really necessary. We're quite used to dealing with epic stories and large files. But it won't make much difference either way, so long as the story itself is complete.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers