Full disclosure: this is for a story that I keep telling myself that I don't have time to write. Yet somehow I can't stop thinking about it, so something tells me it will eventually find its way onto the small screen.

Imagine that you and another person are stuck somewhere with no form of entertainment--no TV, radio, books, iPhones, nothing. What stories would you be able to tell from memory? They don't have to be children's stories, although that's what comes immediately to my mind. I'd like to get as many suggestions as possible.

I'll start: I could do children's folk stories (The Three LIttle Pigs, The Three Billy Goats Gruff), some fairy tales (Anything that Disney made into a movie wink ), some Bible stories like Noah's Ark, Jonah and the Whale, or David and Goliath.

Any story suggestions at all would be greatly appreciated. If they're from other cultures, that's even better.



This *is* my happily ever after.