I'm really glad this discussion was started. I'm new to this board, and new to writing fanfiction. I've thought up tons of stories in my head, but I've never written them down. My love for writing has waned over the years, due to... well, I just never pushed myself very far. I wrote mostly short stories. I *did* write one piece of fiction years ago (ugh, Nsync, yes, that's embarrasing to admit), but in a way, a story I'm proud of, because I finished it.

So I had a dream a couple of months ago, and to my husband's loving insistence, I'm writing it. I came here because I had the hope of finding a beta, and the idea was also brought to mind of sharing my story here, and using feedback as another beta source to me as well.

I intend to do so (be watching out for "Dreamspell" in the unsaid future). I can't say that I'm halfway finished yet, but I have not posted as early as I had planned to because of realizing many people do not like reading an unfinished story.

This discussion here helps provide confidence, that if there is the assurance that I am *not* going to be a writer who leaves a story unfinished, there will hopefully be a patient crowd out there who will give me needed feedback, and stick through with me.

However, I am someone that isn't satisfied with posting a freshly written chapter that hasn't been looked over by my beta reader yet, who has been *so* awesome to me. I want a half decent work of writing to show. Which, because I am getting back into the habit, is a slow process for me, especially because I am getting into my nitty gritty of plot details and enlightening my readers to much-needed explanation.

So I can tell you that my *current* technique will be to make myself sit my butt down and focus more on my writing and making myself break through my writer's block, because it is easy to let Real Life sweep me up and say "I don't have time." The honest truth? Work has been busier the last several weeks, where I promise I have *not* spent time sitting at a computer writing down my story because my mind set goes into "I'm at work, and writing is work.... the two fit togehter." Nope. Never done that. Ever. angel-devil

What I may end up doing is posting circumstantial questions to help me get different ideas that can help me generate more plot movement. Because I know how I want it to end, and I know what direction I'd like it steered in. I just need help figuring what happens before each turn. I think. So far. . .

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. -- Albert Einstein