I work in pretty much the same way as Terry. I would never post a WiP because my muse is so fickle I know there's a good chance that she will never get round to finishing it - and if my muse isn't helping me what I write will be utter bilge. You FoLCs all deserve a good, finished story rather than one that stops halfway through or one that turns into rubbish because I've forced myself to write an uninspired end. I've never been happy with anything I've written on demand.

I use the feedback on the boards to gauge how successful I've been in getting my story across. If people's comments indicate that they've read it how I wanted, then I'm happy. If someone mentions something I've completely forgotten to deal with but can be written into an up-coming post, I'll add that scene into the story. If it's something that I should have sorted out in a part that's already been posted, a particular mistake that has slipped the net, or I've just made a hash of getting my point across in that part, I'll make a note and make sure I edit it before I send it to the archives.

- Alisha (owner of a large number of WiPs that her muse seems completely bored with, but that she still hopes one day to finish.)