My mindset is different from most other writers on these boards. I think.

I have a number of unfinished stories on my WIP list, some of which I know I'll never finish (for various reasons) and some I really, really want to finish but haven't yet. I have written myself into so many corners and been forced to back up so far at times that I won't post a prologue until I have the story finished and farmed out to my beta staff. I don't have to have all the chapters reviewed when I start posting, but I can't post until the story is finished.

I know, that would take some of the fun out of it for many of you, but that kind of pressure isn't fun for me - it's sheer torture. And it's because we're all different people. Neither approach is intrinsically better than the other.

I look for feedback to see if the story is getting the reader reactions I expect. Several times the gentle readers have seen things in my stories which I did not intend to include, and I sometimes tweak a scene in later chapters to account for it. And I wrote the epilogue to "Rebuilding Superman" purely because of reader comments. (And I think the story was better for it.) So I do respond to feedback, just not as much as some others do.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing