I've been trying to finish a story for three years, but it isn't happening. In the past, I have not posted until my story is finished. Then I use the feedback to finish and polish the final before sending it to the Archive. Readers often spot things that need to be adjusted or expanded, and they help make the story baetter and stronger.

The only time I ever posted a fragment, I did so to see if it piqued readers' interests. I knew where the story was going and how it was going to end, so having the feedback encouranged me to continue with the way it was going. That was a one time thing, and I've never done it since, because I, as others have mentioned, do not like to read a story that never has an ending.

smile Jude


"Simplify. Simplify."
Henry David Thoreau

"To see what is in front of one's nose is a constant struggle."
George Orwell