Doranwen, congrats on finishing Nan's stories! Look's like we're up to 220+ epub files now. Wendy's stories will probably take a while but it'll be nice to have them as epubs too.

It's been a while since I've checked in. Here's what I've been up to....

I've been reading about XML and XSLT (thanks, Michael! smile ) along with PHP. Still a slog, and still working on it, but I'm also tackling the problem from another angle. I've been going back to the oldest stories and putting them in our current format manually. Still got a ways to go with that, but I figure having all the stories consistent will simplify things later. Because those old stories certainly weren't consistently formatted -- it's worse than I thought! I bet you're thinking, "Well ... duh!" smile

Also, Doranwen, you asked if story filenames are duplicated, and I said no, but unfortunately I've found at least one case. What I didn't take into account was that the filename catalog is incomplete -- stories are missing from it. And I'd been checking new filenames against the filename catalog. Working on that too.

Still loving iPhone/iPod Touch Stanza for reading. And there's a newish feature in iTunes -- or it's been there all along and I missed it (argh!) -- which simplifies the process of getting fanfic epubs into Stanza: File Sharing. I added a how-to page in our wiki to show how it works.

Current problem is ... what to do with all that leftover Halloween candy. It's a good problem to have. smile
