Doranwen wrote:

Ah, so the reader will just see the story jump pages when reading (but have the TOC behave normally) or did you not section break it?
I've been putting section breaks and TOC splits at the same places, for the most part. Just thought it was fun to make TOC labels that show only in the TOC and not in the story. Though if authors label a section (Part 1, Epilogue, etc.), I make sure their label is visible in the story.

Re: italics, lots of authors have been using asterisks over the years in lieu of italics. And all kinds of symbols to represent things like thoughts (though in printed material that's usually italics too). It makes the story look a little more interesting, formatting-wise, to use italics. Carol's story was short, so making the switch was easy. With longer stories, I gave up!

I could even put in the pictures from Photo Shoot like it was originally designed to be read . . . I wasn't sure about that so I didn't try (inserting pics is not something I've tried yet), but if that is something that would be good, let me know.
I'm kind of leery about using images, especially stills from the show, on the archive. It's something that's gotten some other fandoms in trouble with the powers that be, and I'm paranoid. Would be cool, though. If some other site wants to host them, and the author's agreeable, it'd be something to pursue.

*fondly remembers the days when she had JUST discovered L&C fic on and was reading through Nan's and Wendy's fics as fast as she could*
Nan and Wendy are great ambassadors for our fic-fandom. The story that got me hooked on Lois & Clark fanfic was the first I'd read -- "Counter Clark-wise" by Zoomway. Fantastic story. Was truly addicted after that.

Speaking of "Counter Clark-wise," I've added it as an epub, along with:

"12:01" by Zoomway
"Aliens and Strangers" by Susan Stone
"Something the Cat Dragged In" by CC Aiken
"Cheese of the Month" by Susan Young
"My Adventures With Superman" by Kathryn Ann Kent
"A Shot in the Dark by Sheila Harper"

Best wishes,
