I don't see any other thread that's doing what I think one needs to be doing, lol, so I'm creating this one.

This can be a general place to announce stories you're converting: "I'm working on this really long story right now, so you can know not to start on it so you don't waste time" or it can be a place for authors to volunteer that they'd be willing to tell converters where to put breakpoints for chapters, if the TOC isn't available (which is the case with many of the older stories). (If there should be a separate thread for the author bits, go ahead and create one; I wasn't sure and I'm not an author. smile )

I'm going to use the first post to say that I've been itching to work on Nan's stuff for a while (I have fond memories of reading the Dagger series for the very first time when I had just gotten into L&C fic), so I'm jumping ahead and starting on them now--slowly. *g* My job is taking a bit more time than it used to since I got promoted, so I'll be slowing down. I'm going through alphabetically, so starting with Assassin's Dagger for now.

If you'd like to work on her stuff too, I'd welcome any help on the Home series you'd like to provide.

Anyone else working on converting fics to epub format right now? How are you finding the process? Any epics you decided to tackle? (I'm hoping I don't run into any super long ones for a bit--Learning to Love and On the Other Hand were monsters!)

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.