Which made me think: define "angst".
This is what I thought when I received Iolanthe's beta of my fic. To me, my fic isn't angsty because there is very little screaming and in-your-face conflict. But Iolanthe saw the emotional suffering as angst. Therefore, as Pam said, it is going to be very subjective.

For me angst between Lois and Clark rates as more distressing than angst involving them and, for example, a baddie intent on killing them.

It's always going to be up to the author to decide how much he/she wants to foreshadow. Sometimes authors are going to want to keep the nature of the ending secret until the final part is posted. Sometimes authors will be willing to say whether the ending is happy, but leave the readers guessing as to exactly how that will play out.

I think some form of the system is a good idea for those who wish to use it.
