Just past 25K last night. On the one hand, I know I'm probably not going to win this time (my 3rd year writing L&C fanfic novels). On the other hand, I'm going down kicking and screaming. This is the first year that James isn't writing with me and it makes all of the difference in the world. I've also had out-of-town company for more than a week. James' Dad will be staying with us until Sunday and my Dad will be in town (he spent a week in my house and now he's at my sister's) until December 3.

Both of my kiddos are set to win young writer's program nanos. I'm proud of watching their growth over the last several years. This is the first year they haven't dictated everything but have instead started each day by writing on paper. While that may not seem like a big deal it is to my LD daughter.

In the past I've also always won Nano but not actually finished the book. (Translation, more than 50K words but not at the end of the story) This time I'd like to see it all of the way through.

Anyway, I logged onto the boards just to congratulate Carol since I noticed yesterday that she finished. Well done, sista! dance
