I hit 50K last night! And I finished the book to boot!

Okay - still just a rough draft and I know, like Marilyn, that there's inconsistencies and stuff [like I changed one guy's job halfway through, etc], but it's a ROUGH draft.

I also started the sequel last night. The sequel is what I set out to write in the first place and then a friend convinced me that no, I had to write this one first. Which kinda stinks as I like my female romantic lead from the first one and she sort of um, dies, before the second one. Before she was just the guy's late wife, you know?

Makes me almost want to not write it. ALMOST wink .

DD8 wrote with me for a while yesterday. Not as much as she did the other night but she's at 1375 out of her 2000 word goal. She can so do this! That's closing in on 70% done smile . Next year, we'll do it right and plot it out and all that. Am sure my now-6yo will want to give it a shot too but at this point in first grade... Writing isn't their thing yet - in fact the minimum goal for a 1st grader is only 300 words. I'm not sure why - maybe because they don't write much yet? I'd think it would be a lot of transcribing on my part - or rather dictating on her part you know?

I'm so proud of DD8!!!!!!

Have a sick 6yo home today - just sick enough to not be at school not sick enough to be glad she's not at school :p .

I really want to get a good start on the next one. I've got a week... let's see what I can manage... And if I can actually manage to convince myself that I'm insane enough to submit it to publishers someday...