Thanks for the full comments folder, everyone! Glad you're still having fun. Doggus Interruptus, notwithstanding.

I'll go find what's left...........oh there's half a red blood cell!

THIS is the patented Lois babbling (albeit mental) at it's absolute, gold-plated finest!!. Labby, this section deserves to be carved in stone and hung up in the halls of Great Fanfic, to be forever remembered by all Folcdom.
Awwwwww, Toc. I think that's one of the sweetest comments anyone has ever given me. Thank you. thumbsup

But the best, THE BEST part, was this:
LOL. Well, I'm glad you had fun with that because it was a very, very late addition that I just popped in at the last minute as it occurred to me. It amused me at the time, so delighted it did you, too.

we're all going to want to see some resolution on the Superman thing, the intermittent powers/will they return thing, the who's-behind-the-kryptonite thing, the what's-gonna-happen-with-their-shooters thing, and the whatever-became-of-the-dog thing.
Hmmmmmmmm. Let's see. 1. Check. 2. Well, we already know that one – it was Lex and Mrs. Cox (I lifted that k attack at the bank straight from HOL). 3. Check – albeit without much detail and in an entirely cavalier fashion <g>. 4. Check. Yup, that all seems to be in place. Oh, sequel necessary. laugh

Her feelings are a blank slate to me except for her enjoyment of the kiss. She acknowledges her concern for Clark as he goes out the door but anything more is still obscured. Is that where you intend for us to be
Yup. <g> Don't worry, you'll hear more from her...just walk this way to part seven. wink

Um, well more like nature's laziest in my house, but that's okay.
Laziest in my house too, Jen.

And then... Homer!! !! You scared Lois with Homer!!
ROTFLMAO! Well...almost, Paul. Homer isn't quite as old and decrepit as Doggus Interruptus. But otherwise he was pretty much the model for him. And, no – our tree-climbing lab was called Patch, many moons distant now. Homer is too much of a wuss to ever want to climb a tree. He can't even bring himself to jump fences without experiencing emotional trauma.

If not, I see a new FoLC collaberation in the future. "101 Ways to Serve Rat"... )
Labby, if you don't come back here and fix this, we may have to shoot an animal, but it won't be a dog! A rodent, perhaps?...
Eeeep. /me tucks her tail out of harm's way, just in case. And thank you, Vicki, for the lovely compliment. Made my day. smile

I'm still trying to imagine Jason in a ski mask. But hey, there's a blizzard out there, he just might be wearing one over his hockey mask.
ROTFL, Karen! Can you tell I'm not a fan of those movies? Now...wondering whether to correct it or not. Maybe Lois isn't a fan either and this is just one of her confusions. <g>

I can't see how you can resolve this with one more part, but I think I've said that about your stories before, and you've pulled off the seemingly impossible. But it does look like it's crying for a sequel.
Ye-es. Lynn said you'd say that. <g> But, nope. No sequel. All will (or should) become clear when you read part seven and I think you'll see then why this is only one more part. I'm heading in a different direction to most of you, you see, that's all. So although I'm tingling all over at your compliments, it's thoroughly unjustified. It was, in fact, very easy to wrap this one up in just one more segment and didn't require any great skill at all. Darn, shouldn't have said that, should I? Should have just kept quiet and let you all think I was really clever. wink

TJ: Masking tape? Peanut butter? rotflol

Wow, this section was so painful... that steamy, wonderful, gorgeous kiss in the middle, but the rest of it was just heart-wrenching. Well, except for the bits that were hysterical...
LOL, Mere. Ran the full halibut of emotion then... <g> Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the explanation on Stephen Donaldson. Afraid, until you posted, the reference had somewhat gone over my head – I've never read his novels and have only the vaguest knowledge about him as an author. Back in the day, I never read SD's novels, only because I received a twenty page rant from a friend who had, who was practically foaming at the mouth with outrage at the plot choices. wink I decided then they weren't for me, and looks like I have nothing to regret there. laugh Funny how different associations attach themselves to words. For me, lambent has always been a favourite word. Partly because I agree with Lynn – it provokes the atmosphere of warm cosiness for me. And partly because it has associations for me which are rather fond memories.

One more section to kick the dog out the door, have Clark wake up and realize that he's the best thing to ever happen to Lois, and for them to get back to some serious smoochies!
LOL, Lynn. Ya think? <g>

CC – thanks for finding the time, as always.

And finally:

With one part to go, it'll take quite a revelation to move her from friend to lover....but then, again, this is you writing. It'll be an epic in a teapot. (Or something like that).
ROTFL! Thanks for the vote of confidence. But...well I won't spoil the final part for you, but suffice to say, as I mentioned above, it may not run along the lines you expect. I had a specific goal in mind for this story and I suspect it's not heading where most of you think it is. Er...I think that means RAFO. <g>

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers