Oh, this one is just too good for me to pass up. From Wendy's 'Pocket Lint', I'd go to a story that refers to pocket lint: An Extraordinary Man - Part 2 by Chris Carr.

The quotation in question:

"And, let's see if I can get this right," Jack was saying, "a 'bottom-feeding toady'?"

"No," Jimmy corrected him. "I think Lois was referring to lawyers as a species, when she said that."

"No I wasn't," said Lois automatically. "That was about one of the management's lackeys from upstairs."

"Oh, right," said Jimmy. He turned towards Jack. "What was it she said about lawyers generally, then?"

"Something about pocket lint?"

"No, that was me. Oh, now I remember: 'tape worms in the belly of humanity' and 'the kind of slime that makes dog mess smell good'."

"I never said that last one!" snapped Lois. "I'd never say anything so... so..."

"Crude?" asked Jack. "Crass? Vulgar?"

"Yes, all those things."
ML wave

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane