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The Chain

The Chain is quite simple. I suggest a fic, the next person suggests a fic that has some connection to the first one, and then someone else posts a fic which has a connection to the second fic and so on and so on...

When you post you fic, you should also say what the connection is. Connections can be simple (same author, same theme) or a little more clever (has a similar revelation scene, added to the archive in the same week) or just downright complex (the name of that original character is similar to this well known brand of breakfast cereal and this fic has a fantastic breakfast scene in it...*)

So, to get the ball rolling, here's my fic to start the chain:

Honeymoon in... Vegas by Sue S.

Folcs, do your worst... dance


*If you can make a connection about characters names and breakfast cereals, that would be awesome.

P.S. I blatantly stole this idea from Radcliffe and Maconie on BBC Radio 2. If you're not really clear what I'm on about, and how it all works, here's Radcliffe and Maconie's chain , which is all about songs.

Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.