/waves hand wildly/

I personally think that you should have all of the um, madeupistan characters thoughts and spoken words in English. Even if he's really speaking madeupistanian. and then the Earthling or whoever who really speaks English is speaking gibberish at best [but it isn't usually written out for us - just Madeupistan character thinks 'she yelled in whatever langauge she spoke. I waited for her to finish before saying, 'are you done now' in madeupistanian.]

*EXCEPT* when she mutters this particular curse. Because let's face it. If we read:

She yelled at him in madeupistanian. "Your mother raises hamsters!"

It loses something.

If she yells at him in madeupistanian and says "Bloctonon harstein!" and he reacts to that [and we've been told in the A/N or other text that this is a Madeupistanian curse] it carries more weight.


But you already knew I thought that.


Jane yelled at him. "Your mother raises hamsters in Berlin." John glared at her.


Jane yelled at him. "Bloctonon harstein!" John glared at her.

Second works better for me smile .
