Oh, my goodness, I get teased about carrying the kitchen sink in my purse. Ever been to one of those wedding or baby showers when they see who has everything in their purse on the pre-prepared list? I always win.

I can't think of the weirdest thing I ever had in my purse, but let's see - right now, I have a hemostat in my purse (great for getting those paper jams out of printers but I can't let the kids I take care of see them because they'd immediately think of something else), I have dental floss in my purse, a couple of eye patches and I think I still have the one with the skull and cross bones on it that I used at Halloween. I have 'office supplies' in my purse - paper clips, etc. I haven't, at least, carried a stapler in awhile. I have been known to carry stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, and back in the days when nurses still wore those silly caps - my cap.

Okay, EDIT: I just thought of the weirdest thing ever in my purse (but not on purpose). When I lived in Puerto Rico, I had the misfortune of sitting my purse on or near a spider egg sac ready to 'hatch'. I had 100's of itty bitty spiders in my purse. I hate spiders, but I must admit having to face them like that took some of my fear away. I guess it's a good thing I found them fairly quickly though, because otherwise, I might have had our resident 10 inch lizard in my purse - he/she loved an easy meal.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~