This is Nan Smith, posting from my daughter's computer.

I think I've said this a number of times but I'll repeat it here. When I started writing stories about L and C, I promised myself and my readers that if I started a story, I would finish it. I've never broken that promise. Sometimes I had to pause for a while due to the chaotic events in my life over the last couple of years but I have always come back and finished. I will *never* leave readers hanging -- barring only acts of God or stepping out in front of a truck. If I make a promise I keep it if it's humanly possible -- which is why I don't make many promises. laugh


PS: This was in response to kmar <g> who is afraid a story won't be finished. I'm only trying to reassure you, but I can understand your reluctance to read any ongoing story. Even if I''m pretty sure the story will be finished, all the suspense in getting there drives me crazy. Unfortunately, I also am insatiably curious and when I tell myself I'm going to wait until it's done, I've been known to cheat and peek at parts, all the while kicking myself for lack of self control. What can I say? I love L and C ...

Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace