My point, Carol, is that if I generally give my child $2.00 a week for allowance, then it would be "extra nice" of me, one week, to increase it to $3. However, it would not be "mean" at all to keep the allowance where it had been.
Please don't misunderstand, Pam, I have not said at any point that a writer has no right to chose between withholding a warning or giving a warning. That depends on the individual writer and what s/he values more. As well, readers differ in what they expect from the writers of our fanfic as they do in their interest in different sub-genres, etc.

Instead, I was raising a point about the even-handness of describing the situation and suggesting that we perhaps avoid labeling one side but not the other.

However, I also assure you that I respect your opinion that concern for the reader is of lesser importance. Each person makes that decision for herself, of course.

But, heck, raise the kid's allowance. It would be mean not to do so. laugh
