Eeeep! [Linked Image]

Oh my gosh! I so totally wasn't trying to start anything by writing that story. Ann, I am sorry that you misunderstood my story. And yes, I will admit, LabRat is correct, I didn't post a "deathfic" warning because I didn't personally feel that it applied in this case. This story was written as an inbetween scene for something that actually happened in the series. And the way I wrote the scene I was trying to be ambiguous. If I posted a "deathfic" warning at the beginning, not only would I have spoiled the fic... but because of this very issue of "deathfics" being a touchy issue, I was afraid that some people wouldn't read it if I labeled it a "deathfic". And since it wasn't a deathfic...

Okay but now I'm babbling and going on and so I'll shut up.

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.