Great!! Looking forward to seeing you on the night, Courtney and Doranwen! smile1

Just a reminder - it's been said elsewhere, but just in case you didn't see the threads: you need to find an Undernet server, and the channels you need to get into are #kerthawards and #kerthchat. All you need do is type this in the status window:

/join #kerthawards
/join #kerthchat

If you're having problems figuring out what's going on or how to do any of the commands, just ask on the chat channel and someone will help you. You won't be able to talk on the #kerthawards channel, because that's where the formal ceremony is.

And if you can't figure out how to get onto the channels, but you are online on an Undernet server, you could try to contact some of us regulars. You do that by typing:

/msg [nick] help? [or any other message you like]

Nicks of people who'll definitely be around from an hour or so before the awards start include wendymr (that's me), evilness (Elena) and kaethel - perhaps if anyone else is willing to be available to help IRC novices they could post with their usual IRC nicks?

So to contact me you'd type:

/msg wendymr hi - or help, or I can't get on etc

And if all else fails and you can't get connected, try emailing one of us - again, I'm happy to be contacted by email with IRC questions, and my address is in my profile. smile

Oh, and you might want to take a look here

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*