Hey, I resemble this remark:
And I know some of you have already voted, but you're as bad as those people who have all their Christmas shopping done in August
Aha! But it is the first time I've been this early. I'm certainly not as organized as Doranwen, but I had an advantage in that so many of the fics I nominated were selected. Therefore I had just read them!!! It was still tough, because so many fine stories were against each other in the various categories.
So we'll see how it all turns out. Congratulations to all the nominees. And three cheers to all the winners. But man, it was tought deciding!!! Remember that.
Courtney - just a few comments on IRC. I'd recommend you try to hook up before the Kerths start and practice a little. It can get really crazy with 70 people on one channel. If you practice before hand you'll be more familiar with the process and people can help you with the command structure. You also want to download the sounds for full dramatic effect. (This is when your roomate/husband/significant other/strangers in the street/ and the ocassional passerby,can tell you a really doing something with Lois and Clark.) IRC isn't for just the Kerths. People chat every night of the year. (/me blushes at saying this because I haven't been there in a long time). I downloaded and joined at the first opportunity and have enjoyed it ever since.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis