How did I miss this thread?

Thanks for the feedback on FDTN and the Dagger series. I'm always thrilled when someone sends me feedback on some of my earlier work.

And yes, Jose, I have every intention of continuing the Dagger series -- and the Nightfall series, and the Wedding series and all the others. laugh I've had to slow down on them a little, because I'm babysitting my youngest grandson 4 to 5 days a week and he's just starting to haul himself up on everything, so he's keeping me on my toes and away from my computer more than I like, but when I can, I'm writing as much as I can squeeze in. I'm working on Home V: Obsession at the moment (I've managed to get three and a half pages done of the next part so far) and I'm working on my first alt-Clark story which is (surprise) a Christmas fic that I'd like to get done in time for Christmas. Fortunately, it's going to be short (I hope). goofy

Anyway, this thread is a great idea. I'll try to use it to send feedback about my favorite older fics as soon as I can spare a few minutes to make up a list. (No, come to think of it, that might take forever. Soon, anyway).


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.