Originally posted by Wendymr:
However... why not use this folder? Someone - I think it was Sara - started a thread some weeks ago entitled 'feedback I always meant to send' - you could use that. Or you could start a thread and call it something like 'getting to know older fics?' and invite others to post about older stories they might have just read recently.
I also think this is a great idea! I just recently read a fabulous story that was posted almost three years ago. I'm ashamed to admit I just barely got to it. blush But I loved it, and emailed the author to tell her so.

Anyway, my point is, authors LOVE feedback, and they always love it when someone enjoys a story enough to publicly recommend it to others. I think it's a great idea to help the slightly new message board members know which fics to start with. smile

Also, just an aside--I recently got an email from someone telling me she'd just read and enjoyed a fanfic of mine that I'd written ages ago. She completely made my week! I think that other authors would probably feel the same way I did--that feedback from someone on an older story was even better than feedback on a recent story because it made me feel like a work I'd done way back when was still being read and appreciated. thumbsup

So, YES! Comment on those older stories! Let others know what you enjoyed and recommend. It's a win-win situation, IMO. wink


I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. ~ Scott Corbett ~