So, out of that one initial FDK post, a bunch of readers got to see a very cool story, a writer got even more FDK, and the boards got a new member!
That is exactly what happened to me, too! Or...wait...were you talking about me, Paul? Maybe that's a common experience, come to think of it. For me, though, it made all the difference.

I think it was Trenna who started a feedback thread on a story I sent to the archive. I didn't even realize these boards existed. Pam sent me the link. Liz emailed me and told me what a friendly community this was. I got brave enough to tip-toe in and have a look, and it just. blew. my. mind.

I spent an afternoon sweating and fretting over how to reply, if I should reply, what the heck I would say, etc... Really labored over that initial post more than over the story that prompted it.

Point being, feedback is invaluable to the author, no matter the timing. It certainly was for me.

And once I overcame my initial shyness, 700+ posts later, you couldn't drag me away.


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
