It also occurs to me that sometimes the e-mail address may not be current on the older fics on the Archive. LabRat can't update them if no one tells her.
So anyway, yes feedback on older fics would be a great idea. A lot of that was written while the show was still on and may have details we've (or at least I've) forgotten.
While we are on the topic, hats off to whoever organized the page with all of Nan Smith's stories in order and by series. I was getting lost!!!
If the feedback is in Fanfic Related, does it really need a special title like FDK: Old story?. Just use FDK: Story Name by Author. In the first line you can say "I found this neat story from 1995 by Author called Story Name on the Archive and I liked it so much I wanted to share my thoughts." Then others may go to the Archive and read and come back and add to the thread.
Just thoughts.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis