Ok- again, not debating! But I minored in philosophy, Lynn, not majored...

And I do see the value of following essential guidelines for clean writing, I'm not advocating we do away with punctuation...not yet, that's for later.<g>

I couldn't resist this:
According to one article I've read, it's more likely you will lose your distinctive voice when you work with a critique group where your work is re-worked by many different writers until it begins to resemble a work by committee.
I have a gig as the local playwright for our small town. Two plays a year I get to do with as I like. Two plays a year I'm 'assigned' my topic and it is suggested to me rather meaningfully who I cast and etc...

I write those plays- this is fresh in my head as just had one a few weeks ago- and then turn them in. The Reading Committee frowns over them, and then makes the appropriate "suggestions." By that I mean, they tell me what stays and what goes.

Long story short, those plays never sound like me. Ever. But I had a old friend come to the one that was mine, hadn't seen him in ages, he said when the first actor opened her mouth he "heard me."

I guess the tricky part is the balance- the creative spark that takes you places, and the guidelines that keep you readable...

Don't really know. This is all good stuff.
I'm thinking on it,


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
