Well, I can answer a few of them.

In the case of multiple babies, the reason women sometimes have to move into the hospital a few months in advance is so the medical staff can be available quickly to treat complications -- premature labor, bleeding, etc.

Blood transfusions: In modern hospitals, it's usually frozen, bagged blood. The donor to donor thing is normally only done in very rough, emergency conditions where there aren't many facilities for preserving blood. I have never seen it done in a hospital.

Japanese rice wine is spelled Sake, pronounced sah-kee.

According to my dictionary, it's Castrate (n) to describe a person who has been castrated, and can be male or female. A male singer to whom this procedure has been done is a castrato.

I'm afraid you'll have to get the legal questions answered by someone else. <g>


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.