LOL, no. There are plenty of stories that don't make it to the Archive and it's purely the author's choice on anything they write. Throwaway or not. wink

That's why it's an opt-in scheme. <g> Many other fandoms have automatic archiving when a story is posted, where the author actively has to note on the story that they don't want it to opt-out. But that's never been the tradition here. The onus is firmly on the author to decide to submit a story for Archiving - both to the Fanfic Archive and to Annesplace.

That said, however, this does not preclude authors being nagged mercilessly to get their butts in gear and submit their stories (listen up now, CC!). We do this selflessly for the greater good of fandom, you know! It's rough and a sacrifice, but heck someone has to. goofy

And if nagging doesn't work, I can always bring out my ultimate weapon... /me puts on the big puppy eyes... Do you know how excited I get when my pc makes that little ping and my submissions folder lights up? Don't you think it'd be awfully, awfully mean to deprive me of these simple little enjoyments out of life? Huh? laugh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers