I'm thinking that if you're submitting them to keep a record, you can't really call them 'throwaway' fic. That in fact the permanent record part seems to defeat the entire concept of 'throw away,' which implies, you know, throwing...away.

And I am absolutely not starting a debate, but this whole thing makes me curious. Seriously, no one posts things that don't go to the archive? Not one little thing? Ever? Really?

It seems hard to believe,though I've seen the little marching guys and heard the mantra 'no such thing as a throwaway...', but really?

What if you wrote something just for fun- or what if you wrote something you decided later you didn't like? To the archive, no matter what?

Again,not starting a debate, not me, no. But curious as all get-out. I'd love to hear the reasoning behind this.

CC (who makes the rules here people? If we band together, we can change this!...ok, just kidding...haven't had my coffee is all.)

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
