Yes. Exactly. What Anna said.

When I said "toss away" fic and "fic limbo" I may have left readers with the wrong impression.

In truth all I really meant was that I have been busy with school and the holidays and applying to law school, just like Anna. And so haven't given my dear story the attention it so deserves for the space cat alone.

I'm so glad I saw this so I could clear this up. Evidently some kind of crazy miscommunication!!

And I see that Nan tried to intervene for me early, so that little hatchet men wouldn't march around. But what I found really interesting was KathyM's 'please submit, FoLCs.' Because, you know, it reads two ways. Submit your fics. Or, you know, submit to our will or else.

Off to finish those applications-

CC wink

Seriously, you people want eveything on the archive? Isn't that a bit...well...extreme??

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
