Makes you think of how many 'best friends' she had, btw- Molly, Linda, Julie.
Is that weird? I've had a lot of "best friends" through life. My best friend when I was a little kid was the girl across the street Erica and her sister Carrie. And my school friend was Kris -- all of whom I stopped talking to by high school -- Kris in 6th grade and Erica in 8th grade -- I haven't seen any of them in years. My high school best friends were Jessie for the whole time, Tamera in 9th and 10th grade, and Esther for 11th and 12th grade. I haven't talked to any of them since. My early college best friend was Mooey -- and we still talk and see each other, but not as often as "best friends" because she works at NASA and I am still in school. My current best friend is actually my longest friend Rachel who I've known since my first year of college -- and we even stayed friends when she studied abroad in Australia for a semester! This is probably because of similar place in life -- we were the same major in college and we are both in the same PhD program. Anyway, my point (yes, I had a point) is that it isn't unusual to have several best friends, even in a short period of time because intrests change and people drift apart.

And one more thing- is it possible for a senior and a freshman, for example, to share a room in college (I assume so, but I don't trust my experience- which is none)?
Yes. My Junior year, I lived in a suite of 6 -- 4 juniors, 1 5th year senior (who happened to be pregnant and planned to keep her baby in a dresser in her dorm room), and 1 freshman. I felt sorry for poor Liz being put into such a weird situation. Actually, I sort of felt bad for myself for being in such a situation!

- Laura smile

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve