My school didn't "technically" allow pets in the dorms, although my roommate and I cleverly hid our 5 gallon fish tank freshman year. Sophomore & junior year we had two fish bowls. Senior year we had one fish bown and a giuinea pig cage... no one ever found out! (This could be funny for a college story--having the roommates constantly hiding their pets. A large cardboard box and a tablecloth over a pet's cage or bowl makes a great "table" when the RA's are checking the rooms!)

Move-in usually started the weekend before classes began. It was very hectic trying to get the room "live-able" plus getting ready for classes to begin (buying books, finding out where your classes are, etc.) That should give you some insight on what a college character's emotions would be like upon moving in: stressed, excited, anxious.

The dorms at my school were numbered just like apartments. An journalism is a 4-year degree.

I hope this helps--feel free to IM me if you need more, Julie!!



"He's a man. I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?" -Lois Lane, I've Got a Crush on You.