Chris, I am still loving this. CJ feels so good about the rescues - I assume that as the week progresses he'll end up making some more "secret" rescues, and risk revealing his identity to more and more people. But he doesn't have the option of moving on as our Clark did before settling in Metropolis: here he has a life, a job...and maybe, someday, Lois.

As others have mentioned, I really liked his struggling with shades of grey. I imagine he will continue to do that throughout the story.

I got a little lost last fall in London myself. Did no one tell CJ about the London A-Z? wink

Loved both the alternate Nigel and Asabi lifestyles. But if we're casting votes for personal favorite, I go for Nigel.

And things are moving along nicely with Lois. I'm looking forward to much more.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5