Okay, I'll give it a try.

Lois snatched the phone up the second it rang. "Hello?"

"Lois, do you know who this is?"

She gasped.

"Oh my god, it's you?!"

"Yes, it's me. You do know that you missed your appointment this afternoon, don't you? Were you planning on skipping it again?"

"What? No, no. Of course not. It's just that, um, well, you know..."

"I know how busy you get and how often you forget little things like appointments. But I think I can help you this time."


"You're in luck. I happen to be staying open late so you won't have to miss your normal appointment."

"Oh. Well---wait, what?"

"I'm staying late tonight so you can come in when you are through at work."


"Yes, tonight."

"You really---tonight??"

"Lois, I'm your friend, it's the least I can do.


"Lois, tell me you'll be here tonight."


"Good, I'll expect you around eight. Oh, and I think it's time we stopped this two inch trim nonsense everytime. Tonight we're going for the big chop. Ciao, Lois, I'll see you tonight."

"No, wait---!" she cried, but it was too late. She grimaced and put the phone back on its hook.

Tank (who likes to think that all things can relate to a haircut for Lois)